The site is situated on London Road, St Ives PE27 5EZ in a highly desirable location with an area of approximately 0.53 acres (0.21 hectares). The site forms part of the former Cullum Farm farmyard. The land is predominantly level ground with mature boundary hedging along the eastern boundary, the southern and western boundaries are post and rail fencing. To the northern side there is the access driveway.
Implemented Full Planning Consent for two Detached six Bedroom Homes
Granted under application numbers:
Erection of two dwellings following demolition of existing industrial buildings Ref. No: 0703603OUT | Status: Permission
Replacement of planning permission 0703603OUT for erection of two dwellings following demolition of industrial buildings. Ref. No: 1100168REP | Status: Permission
Erection of two dwellings following demolition of existing industrial buildings. Ref. No: 1100494REP | Status: Permission
Approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 2 dwellings. Ref. No: 1300223REM | Status: Refused Condition.
Information for 1100168REP (0703603OUT) C5, C7, C10, C11 and 1300223REM (appeal ref APP/H0520/A/13/2198954) C2, C4, C6 Ref. No: 15/80121/COND | Status: Condition Reply Removal of Condition Number: 07 - Footway, from Application Reference: 1100494REP.Ref. No: 16/00216/S73 | Status: Permission
Planning Appeals
Approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 2 dwellings Ref. No: 1300018REFUSL | Status: Appeal Allowed
The planning permission, in full, is for the erection of two detached bespoke architect designed 6 bedroom two and a half-storey dwellings on land which forms part of the original farmyard. The proposed site of 2 plots would consist of approximately 0.53 acres (0.21 ha) with permission for two dwellings - House X 256.02 m2 2853 sq. ft and House Y 263.83m2 2840 sq. ft. The above includes off road parking spaces with open fronted, covered cart-style garaging. Floor plan details are included in these particulars.
The site is accessed directly off the London Road via a shared private driveway (access to both plots and the field with stabling and Cullum Farm itself)
The land is sold subject to and with the benefit of all public rights and private rights of way. This is inclusive of light, drainage, overhead/underground cables, and other easement/restriction and any existing obligations that exist but may not be described in the particulars.
Huntingdon District Council are a Community Infrastructure Levy authority. Contributions on development would usually be payable on developments as required by Central Government guidance. The development in question is not CIL liable, its planning permission already confirmed as being implemented.
Viewing strictly by appointment and is to be accompanied at all times. Given that this is a site for development, due care is required when viewing the plot. Neither the seller nor the agent are responsible for the safety of those viewing the plot which is done so entirely at their own risk.
The price is guided at offers over £550,000 for the freehold. The land is offered for sale by Private Treaty.
Huntingdonshire District Council, Pathfinder House, St Mary's Street,
Huntingdon, PE29 3TN. T: 01480388388. https://www.huntingdonshire.gov.uk/planning/planning-applications
These are as described above. The buyer will be expected to have checked the property and satisfied themselves as to ownership of all boundaries. Should any disagreement occur on these, queries would need to be referred to an independent intermediary assigned by the agent.
The market town of St Ives is a popular town lying 5 miles east of Huntingdon (10 minutes) and 12 miles north of Cambridge (20 minutes). The town offers primary schools, secondary school, various public houses, a good array of shops along with good amenities and employment opportunities. The town offers a wide range of properties from period to flats along with more contemporary homes.
The town is well situated with convenient road access to Cambridge with the newly opened A14 resulting in improved journey times as well as offering a guided bus route into the city. Access to London if offered via the main East Coast rail line, with services direct to King's Cross within an hour from Huntingdon.
It is understood all mains services are available in London Road.
There is electricity (3 phase supply) at the property.
Water services are available on site.
Purchasers are advised to satisfy themselves as to the availability of such services making their own enquiries with the relevant suppliers. Some additional information is available on request.
To be strictly by appointment only and accompanied at all times. Given that this is a site for development, due care is required when viewing the plot. Neither the seller nor the agent will be responsible for the safety of those viewing the plot which is done so entirely at their own risk.
Information Pack
An information pack for this development is available on request and contains relevant planning details, plans, survey and other useful information.
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